Along the same lines as getting into better shape, one of my many resolutions is to spend more time cooking at home. I have fallen into the horrible, horrible trap of fast food over the past 7 years...after the two youngest were born, there just wasn't enough time in the day to mother three kids, work, do laundry, AND cook for them all the time. They still wanted to eat (kids are funny like that) so I did what many tired mommies do...I let McDonald's or Taco Bell or Pizza Hut take over! Now that my rear end has its own zip code and my kids think that it must be Christmas if I'm cooking something, I think it's time to change those practices. I'm not going to turn into Martha Stewart, but I think I'll try my hand at making healthier meals that cost a lot less...and spend our time at the dinner table together instead of in the car munching on french fries.
Another really nice scrapbook PaD laurie :) They really are interesting to look and and read! :)
This is great. Good luck with the cooking
I really like the scrapbook thing, and food is just my thing! Wonderful job, DOF is awesome.
this is an excellent page for your scrapbook :) and an excellent way to make me hungry!!!
Neat shot! And I like the scrapbook pages that you're doing :-) It will make a really nice photo album when all the days are done! This shot looks good enough to be in a magazine!
Such beautiful warm colours!
Cooking, I've heard of this concept...please explain more!
Yum, makes me hungry for something sweet for breakfast today. :) Lovely lay out great DOF. :)
Like everyone else, love the layout of this shot as well....along with the shot !!
What is McDonald? Ok I am kidding ;)... I know what it is, but I have never been in one from last 5 years (since the day I moved to US)
partly because I am a vegetarian and partly because like u said home food is more healthy and cheaper!
Good luck with your second resolution !!
This is one of my resolutions too! I've been watching the Food Network all the time lately and now I'm just waiting for them to come stock my kitchen before I get started. I have an old cooking blog I may drag back out again - maybe you should do one too!
Laurie--all you need to do is add a recipe on this photo and you'd have a winning entry for the upcoming challenge! :) Nicely photographed...makes me hungry...*goes off to kitchen*
Nice touch having the "Bakers Secret" logo on the pan. Another great post!
Are you gonna share those cooking ideas and tips. I guess I should do the same. But you got to admit..taco bell rocks!
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