Organization is not one of my strong suits. Oh, I can make things APPEAR to be organized, and I have tons of manilla folders, labels, cubbies, desk organizers, letter trays, and that kind of thing, but underneath that facade of having it together lies a sea of paper at least 10 years deep. ;)
I went on a cleaning spree at work today and filed away a lot of things. I threw away a lot of things, which was hard (I'm a devoted packrat...you know, keeping it "just in case" I need it) but I think it was therapeutic as well. I'm ready to declutter my life and make things as simple as possible in 2006.
What great resolutions you have represented here. I like the way you've made the photos bigger over the last 2 days to show them off a bit more. I had trouble reading the text on this shot though. Can't wait to see the next resolution!
I re-uploaded it without so much fuzziness on the text but it's still not quite as readable as I'd like...but I'm learning! :)
i got stuff that needs to be organized to ... .::ships em to laurie::
Woot!!! Lets hear it for decluttering, might I suggest a paper shredder, makes decluttering sooo much more fun, plus when your done, you've got all that confetti to play with!!
Your presentation of your images is just awesome! Love this image! Keep it up!
I've enjoyed looking at these -- nice work.
On organization -- I organize stuff all the time. Then, I can't find it. hahaha
Throwing things away is hard to do. Sometimes I put those marginal things that I'm not sure about in a box with a date sometime in the future. Then close up the box tightly and don't look at it again. If you come across the box later, and the date on the box is in the past, just throw the box away. Don't look inside! Just toss it. Never lost anything important, and if you do ever need it you'll still have it -- just have to open the box again.
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