Well...now you can see why I've been too busy to post. :)
Meet Lilly. She's the newest member of the Black family. We got her for free. A lady was giving away kittens today in the grocery store parking lot, and this one was just toooooo cute to resist. What is wrong with me????
So far, she's very playful, very nosy, and very loving. She and Peanut don't know what to think of each other, but they haven't had any wars yet. So far they just run around and chase each other. It's pretty cute.
Expect to see Lilly in a challenge near you soon. :)
Ok, everyone all together now... "Awwww!" That first picture is my favorite of the bunch.. I just love those whiskers! She is an adorable addition to the family. Hope we see more of her in your PaD too! Congrats! :)
Awwww so sweet! Looking forward to the Lilly and Peanut gallery :)
So sweet!!
Very cute kitten, but does she have a mischevious look to her. lol
I hate cats, but kittens? You got me. If they could only stay this small and cute and not turn into obnoxious know it alls when they grow up. LOL
Hi Laurie, sorry I haven't posted in a while. Did you take these images with your Light sphere II? They look great and I should be getting mine soon. I have a paid gig Friday; I maybe published in a local paper Next week and I even sold a print. OMG am I really a photographer? LOL
PS Cats make my eyes itch and swell up so it isn’t just like I hate animals or anything like that. But cats can be abhorrent. Dogs now those are cute. Hehehe!
"Expect to see Lilly in a challenge near you soon."
Hey I just got a great idea for Lilly, tie a string of Christmas lights to her tail turn off all the lights and set the camera on bulb and throw a ball of yarn around. Now that would be painting with light.
What a little sweetheart! Love the bonus shots as well.
Lilly is WAY too cute I love the one with her little tongue out :)
Congratulations! She is adorable. I love the soft focus... ah, your shots are straight out of a story book. Have fun with her!
Awwwww, she is adorable, woot! every family needs a cat, just try not to traumatize this poor pet by cross dressing her ok??? :-) LMAO!
So cute !
Please , more photos of this baby !!!
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