Saturday, February 11, 2006

Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa...I know...I missed yesterday. I really did take a picture or three last night, when my new toys arrived by UPS...but I got so busy playing with the new lens and the new flash and the new bag that I forgot to post!!!!

I decided this morning though, that since the shots last night were practically in the dark, I would go out this morning and run my new Tokina 12-24mm f/4 lens through it's paces and post those instead. I also know that the shots I'm posting really don't fit into my theme of emotions, but oh well...I'm too excited about the new equipment to care at the moment!!!!!

I suppose these can be examples of peaceful or tranquil feelings... so we'll run with that and pretend it's all good. ;)


Blogger mike fairbanks said...

Oh yeah tease us, new bag, new equipment, etc etc, and dont tell us what, or at least a pic or too, geez just for that I'm marking the absence UNEXSCUSED!!! (Always wanted to do that to a teacher, lol)

3:13 PM  
Blogger L2 said...

What fun you had with your new toys! These are just stunning - peaceful and tranquil it is...

5:25 PM  

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