Meet my little troublemaker, Jason. We call him J.P. at home. He's the middle child, very much a rough-and-tumble, dig in the dirt, beat up his brothers BOY. If there's mischief to be had, he's the one making it. Instigator should probably have been his middle name! But he's also very sweet, smart as a whip, and extremely devoted to his brothers. I think he has the most outgoing personality of the three boys.
This face is his mischief face, so I thought I'd make the feeling/emotion of the day mischievous. It describes him to a T. ;)
LOL give him little spike of hair at the rear and that is a perfect Dennis the menace! Nice capture.
If that's not mischevious, I don't know what is :)
Great capture!
I like the "theme" of the month, and I like the way you are using your boys to show them! That's a nice touch. Good photography, too :)
Funny and sweet :) Great mischevious expression.
I really enjoy these emotion shots! Very nice perspective on this one!
Hahahahaha.. he's copying my evil look!!!
Great photo. I love the angle, and also the DOF. And his expression is great
Spooky, he kind of looks a little like chuckie in this pic....
Wot a wondeful expression. I hope this was not the couple of seconds of quiet plotting time ... and that he found something mischievious to do immediately after.
Another fantastic capture. I keep telling you that you nailed it, and I keep meaning it!
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