Meet Jayden...
He’s a 5 week-old baby whose mother
is a program participant at my school.
Jayden, in just his brief 5 weeks post-womb, has had pneumonia and bronchiolitis and now requires breathing treatments every four hours to keep his airways clear. Seeing babies this young have to endure treatments like this saddens me...especially when they are subjected to cigarette smoke in their homes, making their recovery much more difficult and slow.
I resolve to do what I can to educate and inform my students about the dangers of second-hand smoke exposure so that no more babies like this one will have to needlessly suffer.
This is so sad. Poor little guy. One day I hope smoking in a home where children live will be illegal. It is absolutely child abuse. They have no choice but to breathe in the poison. :(
Sad, sad situation. Beautiful poster. I'm glad you're doing something about it.
Aww..that is so sad! Beautiful collage!
They just voted in a smoking ban in my county and I couldn't be happier. It really is rotten. I hope you succeed with your education.
Awesome pics of the lil one here laurie, they look pro quality to me!
What a hard way to have to start life, and a good lesson for young kids to learn. Keep up the good work.
This is just so tragic and sad :(
What is with smoking? I'll never, ever, EVER understand it. Why people start.. why they continue.. why the companies are allowed to continue making them..
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