Whew...made it through the first month of this year's PaD project. I'm glad that "Resolutions" seemed to be a crowd pleaser, and I'm glad it's over with. ;)
This month's theme is Emotions. I'll be using a new feeling word every day and try to match a photo to that day's emotion or feeling. I won't be using the scrapbook layouts regularly anymore. I love them, and will occasionally use them, but they are very time consuming and I don't have much time to go around. Instead you'll get a picture.
I took several pictures today, mostly of the kids in the day care at work. Lots of happy faces and sweet emotions...however, because I'm an idiot, I left my CF card in the card reader at work. So...you're stuck with a shot from yesterday's evening walk until I can get back to work and post another one in the morning. Tomorrow you'll get two-for-one, so to speak. I just want you to know I really did take pictures today!!!!
This image is one that really kind of spoke to me. The emotion I have decided to highlight with it is lonely. I'm sure everyone has had a time in their lives where they felt very alone. Sometimes being alone is nice...no one to bother you, no one to answer to, no one to clean up after...but other times, it's really a struggle. No one to talk to, no one to take care of, and no one to just be there with. I feel like that sometimes. I saw this lady out walking in the field by our city park, and the scene just spoke volumes to me. The loneliness overwhelmed me when I saw her, so tiny, against the vastness of the scene. I had to capture it.
I can't wait to see more of what this month will bring. I really enjoy reading your blogs..seems to be so down to earth and I can relate to a lot of it. love the picture!
I like the photo a lot. The negative space with the sky gradient looks good, and the person walking across is interesting.
I agree with Soni. This should be an interesting month for your blog. Looking forward to it. I like this photo a lot.
Nice photo which I think perfectly captures the feeling that you were going for. Looking forward to seeing what this month will bring with your photos. I really enjoyed your scrapbook theme, it was outstanding.. Aloha, Renee :)
The wonderful wide open spaces with skies that go on forever. Looks a bit like the Karoo. The person gives a sense of size.
For me this picture is more about 'alone' which is an aspiration than lonely.
I'm going to really be looking forward to viewing your PaD this month - I love emotive shots.
Todays is a nice shot - first thing I thought of was minimalism
Such great use of negative space to help create the emotion. I love it. Nicely done. And the sky is so clear and colorful.
Awesome, wonder where she going, and what stories she could tell, can you get a portrait of her?
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