Thursday, May 25, 2006

J.P. finished the first grade in style at their awards ceremony this week...he got an academic award for achievement in math and in reading. He had a 100 in math for this six weeks, and a 99 in reading. He finished the year with straight A's all year, too! Go J.P.!! :)

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

An outtake for Self Portrait IV... probably not worthy of a decent score since I'm recognizeable after the 30 in 30 project. Lousy timing! :)

OK, so I deleted it... I might use it after all since I didn't get to shoot anything else. Sue me. ;)

Monday, May 15, 2006

Clay, as he was reading while sitting in a tree today. :)

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Two FotoFusion collages I is all the 30 in 30 shots, and the other are our family pictures I took last month. :)

Thursday, May 11, 2006

A few different crops of the pics from yesterday...and I tried b/w after a suggestion. What do you think? :)

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Some outtakes from a shoot today at the day care today. We had an impromptu portrait session for Mother's Day pictures. :)

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

A study in light and movement... enjoy! :)

Sunday, May 07, 2006

A few of the outtakes for the DPC Cinema challenge starting tonight...I really was torn on what to enter but ultimately decided to go with one not like these three. However, these three as a group really move me and I hope you enjoy them. I call them "Southern Comfort," "Go Fish," and "Sweet Dreams." :)

Day, I made it!!! This is a PS attempt at some colorization. Not the greatest, but I thought it turned out kinda neat anyway. I look rather sad...guess it's because this challenge is ending. Stay tuned tomorrow to see what I have up my sleeve next! :)

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Day 29...almost there!!! :)

Friday, May 05, 2006

Day 28...the 30 in 30 Project is nearing an end. Time to decide what the next project shall be. Any ideas?? :)

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Day 27 of the 30 in 30 Project...glad it's nearly over! :)

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Fun with photoshop again...this time I was fiddling around in PS Elements 2.0, which is all I have on my computer at work. I took the pic with my 10D, held at arm's length and just lucky with the composition (this is full frame). I duplicated the background layer and desaturated the image, and erased back in my eyes. I boosted the sats on them as well. Then I flattened the image and duplicated that layer, and added a layer of the gold sparkles or speckles or whatever it's called. I adjusted its opacity to about 20% or so, and heavily adjusted the saturation and the contrast. Last I flattened the image and added the border. Voila! :)

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

My very first scarf shot. I added a diffuse glow and evened out the skin tone with some gaussian blur. I also created the background in PS since the original background was my office...not exactly photogenic. This was taken by the little HP camera too...I need to try it again with the 10D and see what kind of results I get. ;)

Monday, May 01, 2006

Me and the little HP Photosmart 320 I use at work a lot of the's easy. ;)