I typically suck at stock kinds of images...lighting is just not my forté and I don't particularly have the patience to fiddle with things to get them "just right." I like the outdoors...nature, wildlife, and even candids of folks out doing their own things are much more my speed.
I resolve to work on my lighting and my patience for the new year...I don't particularly have any interest in selling stock, but I think it would be a step in progressing my skills and trying things I normally wouldn't try.
I set up some ribbon candy on some photo paper and used my cheapo ebay flash from back in the day to get these pictures. It took some tweaking to get them to expose anywhere near properly, but I worked for a solid half-hour on them, which is really saying something for me. I don't spend that much time on challenge shots. ;)
I like the bottom one a lot. The top one's DOF doesn't quite work for me. However, I'm not a stock expert. I like it on an artistic level though...
Wow I hope that I can not be good at lighting like that. They look good. And the white background makes them really stand out. Nicely done.
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