I know I can't be the only person with this same problem...I take eleventy thousand pictures, process them, post them all over cyberspace, send them via email to friends and family, but rarely (if ever) print any out on paper, or even upload them to Wally World to get some cheapy prints made. Why? I don't know. I guess I've become complacent over the years. My oldest boy will have lots of prints of himself to browse when he gets older, because I wasn't "digitized" back in his early childhood. My second child has fewer prints, but there are not a whole lot in the various albums around here. My baby, bless his heart, will have a complex because I don't have hardly any prints to show of his life so far. I've been digital since he was born in 2000, so all of his pictures are in my computer and on various archived DVDs.
I resolve to print more this year. There's just something about being able to hold that hard copy in your hands and remember the moment. :)
Very pretty, Laurie. A great resolution, too! I love going back through old pictures and keepsakes. They really trigger memories that may otherwise be forgotten. Without the pictures there'd be nothing. Definitely take lots of pictures of your children and print them and keep them safe so they'll have them later in life, too.
I have the same problem, and one reason my wife still resists to change over to full digital. She carries a digi and a film. Great resolution. Going back through old photos is so much fun, I'm going to have to print a ton just so I can sit and do that someday.
I Love the pink type BTW, here's an idea, you should look into one of those companies that lets you make your own picture book, and make one for the youngest. I think there pretty reasonable on price. At the very least go through and find all the really good pic's and back them up!!! onto dvd would be good, at the least, upload them to your yahoo briefcase, perfect offsite storage.
Awwww... this is so touching.
I should maybe start stock-piling on B&W film for my 35mm and playing around more.
oooh i like a lot. and agree on the printing
You could always do a photobook... Then when you get the "prints" back you won't even have to put them in an album.
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